GameMaker (2.3)

FPS Speedometer

Tiberia Prima

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GameMaker Studio 2.3+ only. Will not work in GMS2.2 or earlier.

Ever wanted a pretty visualization of how your game's performing? You'll probably like this. View the instantaneous and average frame rate of your game on a speedometer-like gauge (hence the name) or, if you prefer, a line graph over time.

Using the script is about as simple as it gets. Import the asset into your game and call the fps_speedometer function. The function must be called in order for it to record data; if you do not wish to show the graph, set the first parameter to false and ignore the position arguments. (You most likely want to do this at the bottom of the Draw GUI event.)

The only file you need is the script containing the function, but you can look through the others if you want to see it in use. Otherwise, you can delete the rest of the files if you don't need them.


  • The duckling in the demo was created by @alemunin
  • The 3D meshes in the demo were created by
  • The skybox in the demo was created by Spiney

End User Licence Agreement (EULA)

Age Rating: 4+


GMS2.3 - Version 1.0.0. Published August 25, 2020

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