GameMaker (2.3)

Platformer Engine Adventure

Happy Mug

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NOTE: Programming knowledge highly recommended. Make sure to turn on Collision Compatibility Mode in the global settings of GM as a work around, look at the support doc on how to do this. Also, if you purchased the asset and you are getting an older version through the marketplace website, try downloading it from the IDE's marketplace, you can also look at the support doc on how to do this. For any issue, please reach out to my support contact form.

This is version 3 of the engine. It is only for Windows with VM output, not for YYC output.

Platformer Engine created in Game Maker Studio 2.3. This is a Game Maker 2.3 project and it will contain all the scripts and objects you need to make the engine work or pick and choose what you need to create your own platform games!

Playable demo:


  • Game Maker 2.3 features
  • Loading screen system
  • Menu system
  • Change Audio, Video and Control settings
  • Save settings to config file
  • Load settings from config file
  • Pause system
  • Inventory system with multiple item types such as weapons, sub-weapons, armor, accessories, use items and relics
  • Character stats system
  • Equipment, equipped items affect the character's stats. Most items will display on the character like using a weapon or wearing armor
  • HUD for Health, mana and stamina bars and use item selection
  • Enemy health bar display
  • Damage dealt display (critical damage labeled)
  • Item drop from enemies or boxes
  • Multiplayer (Co-op or VS)
  • Platform collision
  • Short jump
  • Full jump
  • Double jump
  • One-way platforms
  • Moving platforms
  • One-way moving platforms
  • Breakable boxes
  • Gravity
  • Hurtbox
  • Hitbox (you can place multiple hitboxes around an attack on the same sprite frame and each with its own damage value, good for fighting games as well)
  • State machine (for hero and enemies)
  • Multiple type of enemies (close combat, ranged and flying)
  • Advanced enemy ai
  • Cone of vision (for hero and enemies)
  • Gamepad support
  • Dynamic textbox and conversation system between NPCs and player
  • Camera Shift (use right analog stick on a controller to shift camera around by some distance to look around)
  • System to deactivate objects outside of view for better performance
  • Debugging scripts such as displaying hitboxes and con of vision during testing
  • Sandbox room
  • Screen shake, visual and sound effects when hitting enemies (newer feature, does not show in the video demo)
  • Poise system (newer feature, does not show in the video demo)
  • Doc on how to use the collision box scripts for hurtbox and hitbox and how to use the state machine

Art assets and music was not created by me, credits below:

Boxy Bold Font - By cemkalyoncu from - Clint Bellanger - Tileset and background on the GameRoom - By ansimuz From - Luis Zuno - Red Skeleton - By MoikMellah from Shirtless Hero - By Balmer from Button and Keyboard icons - By Vreyll from HUD and Inventory elements - By Buch From Castle Village Song - Trent Mahaffey - [email protected] NPCs - By chierit from

You may use the scripts in personal or commercial projects. You may modify these scripts to suit your needs. You can NOT re-distribute this project

End User Licence Agreement (EULA)

Age Rating: 4+


GMS2 - Version 1.0.0. Published June 26, 2020

GMS2.3 - Version 3.4.5. Published May 7, 2024

Fixed issue with GM ver 2024.40.168

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