GameMaker (2.0 - 2.2.x)

Graph Indicator


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You can use this to display the shape of the graph.

It provides functions to display coordinate systems, points and lines on surfaces.

The following is the functions

scr_graph_init(w, h, offset1, offset2, xmin, xmax, xint, ymin, ymax, yint)

'w' and 'h' are the size of the graph.

'offset1' determines how far the coordinate system is from the lower left point of the surface.

'offset2' determines how far the min-point is from the origin of the coordinate system.

xint/yint is the interval of values.

For example, if xmin is 10, xmax is 50, and xint is 20 the graph will indicate '10', '30', and '50'.


You can draw the coordinate system by using this.


You can draw something like point or line by using these.

Especially, Drawing Curves is possible if you use scr_graph_draw_graph.

the Argument follows the form like:

[ [0, 0], [1, 10], [3, 15], [2, 50], [17, 63.7] ]


It draws your surface. The difference from built-in function is that It return 1 if the surface doesn't exist

and create a new one.

End User Licence Agreement (EULA)

Age Rating: 4+


GMS2 - Version 1.0.0. Published September 28, 2019

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