GameMaker (2.3)



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I am preparing to release a new version, so I am discontinuing support for this version! To get a more recent version please visit as I can no longer update the project on Marketplace due to its strange bugs. At the moment I'm preparing version 2 of this Asset, wait for news!

This is example of infinite procedurally generating world based on noise like "Perlin noise". You can customize chunk height, chunk width, block size. I use this infinite world chunk system for my game "Sandoria", you can check it on this site

Download DEMO 1.3.0

Download DEMO old

What include in this asset:

  • Terrain with three biomes with layered noise like "Perlin noise".
  • Grid collision for player.
  • Smooth camera moving and parralax background (written by Shaun Spalding).
  • Smooth zoom view.
  • Full commented and organized code.


  • WASD - move player.
  • Arrow left - teleport player to 100'000 blocks left.
  • Arrow right - teleport player to 100'000 blocks right.
  • F - turn on/off flying.
  • Page Up and Page Down - Zoom view camera.
  • Right mouse click - place block. With Ctrl place to back and front.
  • Left mouse click - destroy block. Witch Ctrl destroy block on all layers.
  • R - restart the game.
  • ESC - exit from game.
  • G - turn on/off grid drawing of chunks.
  • C - delete current world's seed chunks.

Check "oInit" object if you want to make different worlds!

Enjoy! :D

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Age Rating: 4+


GMS2 - Version 1.2.0. Published February 25, 2020

  • Rework world creating system, now with layered perlin noise
  • Rework caves, now with perlin noise
  • Optimized of creating draw chunks
  • Added DEMO in description

I rewrote many scripts, i recommend to delete previous scripts, then add new.

GMS2.3 - Version 1.3.1. Published March 6, 2021

  • Improved chunks preloading
  • Removed wrong comments
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