GameMaker (2.0 - 2.2.x)

Racing Assets 'Touring Car'


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Start Your Engines! 3, 2, 1, GO! and there of to a flying start!, and you could be too with this comprehensive 'Top Down' Racing Asset Pack featuring 'Touring Cars'.

There's plenty here for creating your Title Menus, Player and Car Select Screens. Create multiple track levels or locations using Pit Stops that have an animated Crew. 4 Cars, 4 Teams, Team Force, Team Eco, Team Nitro, Team Rapid.

Whats Included: (PNG Files)

  • Tile Set (tiles for Straights, Turns, Chicane turns, Tyre walls, Fences, Pit Lane & Crowd)

  • Tile Set (same as above but with Sand for bunkers)

  • Player Avatars ( 3 Male with 4 variations, 1 Female, with blank clothing and 3 coloured clothing.)

  • Car Avatars (4 coloured cars for a car select screen)

  • Title Screen Elements ( Title Text and Cars, also a 'tileable' Text for in game function selections)

  • In Game Cars (4 coloured 'Top Down' cars for programming)

  • Dashboard (Overlay Screen for 'Hud' displays or in game information)

  • Team Based ( Player and Cars are designed around 4 teams, Team Force - Team Eco - Team Nitro - Team Rapid, each with their own team colours.)

  • Animations ( Pit Crew changing tyres, Cars on Fire, Chequered Flag)

  • NES Colour Limitations (the whole of this asset and elements conforms to the NES colour restrictions)

This asset has been created using a colour pallette from a PAL model NES system and its colour limitations to provide you with graphics needed to create a genuine looking NES game. :)and if NES is not your thing, then that's OK, you still have an 8bit Racer!


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End User Licence Agreement (EULA)

Age Rating: 4+


GMS2 - Version 1.0.0. Published February 28, 2019

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