GameMaker (2.0 - 2.2.x)

Dialog System 2D


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I found an old project I created in late 2015 to test GameMaker Studio 2 in the still early days of development. The project casually grew in complexity as I used it to test an expanding set of functionality, like tile sets and the Drag and Drop visual scripting. It has a lot of good and popular gameplay systems that were allowed to slowly mature over time so I checked if I could dissect a few, and the first of these gameplay systems is a very easy-to-use branching dialog system.

The best thing about this system is just how easy it is to use and set up complex branching dialogs with, and that it focuses purely on making branching dialogs easy to implement rather than dictate how to display them in your game.

It has support for things like inserting string arguments from variables, and even inserting variables directly via string expansion. This allows you to write a dialog string like "no one has as many friends as the man with many ${item_name}!" and the "${item_name}" part will automatically be expanded to the value of the "item_name" variable on the calling object.


The repository is hosted on GitHub and is available here:

End User Licence Agreement (EULA)

Age Rating: 4+


GMS2 - Version 1.0.0. Published February 23, 2019

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