GameMaker (2.0 - 2.2.x)

Zelun Room Transitions


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This is a series of scripts wich, getting right to the point, will make transitions between rooms easier for you.

This build has 5 types of transitions:

  • trans_fade(room,[colour]) - Simple fade in fade out between rooms.

  • trans_blend(room) - Simple fade in of the room.

  • trans_spr(room,[sprite]) - Transition where the first room "dissolve" into the second room based on a sprite [sTrans1,sTrans2,sTrans3,sTrans4].

  • trans_slide(room,direction) - Transition of snes rpg/metroidvania games.

If you want to see more: demo 1 and demo 2 and demo 3

End User Licence Agreement (EULA)

Age Rating: 4+


GMS2 - Version 1.2.1. Published September 23, 2018

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