GameMaker (2.3)

Dialogue engine for GameMaker


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With this dialogue engine you can easily add text boxes with dialogue to your games. You can also add options that affect the dialogue or change variables. It's easy to change the speed of the text and colors or the sprite shown in the text box. Now you can add speech bubbles too.

Most important features:

  • Text boxes

  • Speech bubbles

  • Typewriter text

  • Options/choices that can affect the dialogue or change variables

  • Works with different views and camera

  • Works with keyboard, mouse and controller

  • Lots of useful features, like backlog, voice acting support and auto mode

  • Very customizable

  • Incredibly easy to use

How is it used? Everything works with scripts. Every script has an explanation and an example. I have tried to make this dialogue engine as easy to use as possible.

How easy to use is it? For example, you can make an npc say something with this:

if keyboard_check_pressed(vk_space) {
    if place_meeting(x,y,player) {
        if !textbox_exists() {
            textbox_create("Hello","How are you?");

And it will just work. : )

End User Licence Agreement (EULA)

Age Rating: 4+


GMS2 - Version 1.8.4. Published June 25, 2020


  • textbox_set script updated with a new argument: EnableMouse. If it's set true, mouse can be used to advance in dialogue and choose options. If you want to change the sprite of the box in the options, change it manually in the option objects.

  • Options now appear after the whole text has appeared.


  • When using speech bubbles, sometimes things were calculated incorrectly because of font size variations, now it's fixed.

GMS2.3 - Version 2.8.0. Published June 27, 2024

Controller support, auto mode, many improvements and some bug fixes. More info in the changelog note.

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