GameMaker (2.0 - 2.2.x)

Movement in 8 directions


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Save time and get your player moving with one line of code. Plus the option to: -Set keyboard keys to control player -Set the speed -Set if the sprite looks in the direction of movement.

for example(in a step event):

//example A using arrow keys. //The speed is 10, followed by the arrow keys, followed by true for look in the direction of movement. scr_move_8_directions(10,vk_left,vk_right,vk_up,vk_down,true);

//example B using W,A,S,D keys //The speed is 10, followed by the W,A,S,D keys, followed by false for do not look in the direction of movement. scr_move_8_directions(10,ord("A"),ord("D"),ord("W"),ord("S"),false);

End User Licence Agreement (EULA)

Age Rating: 4+


GMS2 - Version 1.0.0. Published March 19, 2018

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