
Script Starter Kit

Ground Effect Games

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A mixed bag of helpful scripts to get you started on your first game! Includes some helpful tips and room for customization.

  • watchme - a simple camera script with screen shake
  • camera script for pixel-perfect resizing of the application window and view
  • camera zoom
  • orbit an object in a circle around another
  • turn an object until it faces a direction
  • glue one object to another
  • simple lightning - see advanced version here: https://marketplace.yoyogames.com/assets/497/lightning-epic-procedural
  • holygrid simple version - adjust a variable until it matches another. see advanced version here: https://marketplace.yoyogames.com/assets/499/adjust-everything-holy-grid
  • draw crosshairs with any number of lines
  • draw the color spectrum
  • random color script
  • shortcut functions that create or scale objects
  • destroy the oldest object of a given type
  • simple math functions such as volume and magnitude

Similar scripts are grouped together and given a prefix to match their folder.

Looking for particle effects? Get them here: https://marketplace.yoyogames.com/assets/679/particle-starter-kit

Want more? Here is a link to everything by this author: https://marketplace.yoyogames.com/publishers/218/ground-effect-games

End User Licence Agreement (EULA)

Age Rating: 4+


GMS1 - Version 12.17.14. Published December 17, 2014

Now you can use the glue_to script to stick an object NEXT TO another object, instead of just on top of it. Added math_magnitude, which is useful for calculating offset needed for the glue_to script.

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