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Vishnya Games

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ATTENTION I rewritten this extension! New version: ATEXT

ATEX - extension for advanced text drawing

Example of using


You can add text with images, different fonts and colours, oulines, underlines, links that executing scripts or open urls, different effects like waves, shake and you can create your own effect

Supported tags:

  • ts_image - insert image in text

  • ts_line - line break

  • ts_lineback - line break without changing line's y-position

  • ts_font - change font

  • ts_outlime - set or reset outline

  • ts_underline - set or reset underline

  • ts_shadow - set or reset shadow of text

  • ts_link - set link on url or script_index, for example:

    txt='please visit our '+ts_colour(c_green)+ts_link('', c_red)+'site'+ts_link()

  • ts_halign - change halign of current line

  • ts_valign - change balign of current line

  • ts_colour - change colour of text

  • ts_space - insert empty space(you can change width of the space)

  • ts_wave - text wave

  • ts_shake - shaking text

  • ts_script - user's effect


  • You can combine tags without any limits

  • High customization

  • Easy to start

  • Stable work without alerts if you or user input wrong tags or arguments

  • You can limit width of text, break lines, change halign and valign of any lines, and set count of symbols that will be drawn(images are considered as 1 symbol)

  • Word wrapping

  • Justify text

  • You can create your own tags and effects

  • Three ways of drawing text with different features and capabilities

  • Works in GMS1 and GMS2

All tags and their arguments showed in tutorial inside extension and documentation

Forum page

End User Licence Agreement (EULA)

Age Rating: 4+


GMS1 - Version 1.4.7. Published March 7, 2018

  • Bug fix

  • Advanced user effects

  • Glow effect

GMS2 - Version 1.4.11. Published May 15, 2019

First GMS2 version.

Added new argument - step (distance between lines)

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