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2D Dynamic Effect of Flag Waves. object perfect for change languages in menus

Object o_flag turns his sprite into flag. You can set any custom sprite to sprite_index and you'll get a flag. Waves can be set by few parameters. All is done in GML code with draw_primitive functions (trianglelist). Plastic shines and shadows using blend_mode so that code should be run primarily on Windows. ( Win7 tested )

known bug - scaling whole game window sometimes can break the effect ( global game settings-windows-graphics-allow player resize game window: uncheck )

IMPORTANT: all flag symbols sprites are NOT subject of trade and you can't get any right to them buying package, source of flag pictures: commons.wikimedia.org

End User Licence Agreement (EULA)

Age Rating: 4+


GMS1 - Version 1.0.0. Published September 2, 2014

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