
Folder Browser Dialog


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Note: This library is not being updated anymore. I recommend looking for newer, more updated libraries instead.

In Game Maker you can use get_open_filename to browse for files, but there is no way to browse for folders. This extension allows you to open a folder browser dialog.

There are 2 functions that comes with the extension:

* zdir_get_directory(path, description)
  This function opens a folder browser dialog and returns the selected directory.
  The first argument, "path", specifies the root folder for the dialog.
  The second argument, "description", specifies the description of the dialog.

* zdir_show_new_folder_button(show)
  This function specifies if you want to show the "Make New Folder" button in the dialog.
  The argument, "show", can  either be true or false.

Note: There are a few things you need to keep in mind when using this extension:

You cannot open the folder browser dialog in the first frame of the game. If you open the folder browser dialog with a key-press or a mouse-press, make sure to use keyboard_clear/mouse_clear afterwards as Game Maker doesn't clear the key-state automatically for some reason.

End User Licence Agreement (EULA)

Age Rating: 4+


GMS1 - Version 1.0.1. Published September 30, 2017

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