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Tree data structure


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Simple tree data structure for GameMaker Studio.

Note: It doesn't draw the data structure on the screen, it's just a data structure like ds_list or ds_map.

Feel free to contact me if any issues or requests.

GMS1.4 Note: add constants.txt to Macros (Resources → Define Macros → Load)

See documentation in wiki. upd: bitbucked deleted the repository with documentation. I'll write it again as soon as possible (sorry, I'm very busy at the moment).

Function list


  • ds_tree_create(id)
  • ds_tree_add(node, name, value, [is_node])
  • ds_tree_add_tree(target_node, node)
  • ds_tree_clear(tree)
  • ds_tree_cut_node(node)
  • ds_tree_destroy(id, [only_clear])
  • ds_tree_find_name(tree, name)
  • ds_tree_find_value(tree, name)
  • ds_tree_height(tree)
  • ds_tree_insert_node()
  • ds_tree_size()
  • ds_tree_split_node()


  • ds_tree_property_childs(tree, [new_value])
  • ds_tree_property_is_node(tree, [new_value])
  • ds_tree_property_name(tree, [new_value])
  • ds_tree_property_parent(tree, [new_value])
  • ds_tree_property_value(tree, [new_value])


  • ds_tree_destroy_childs()
  • ds_tree_get_ids()
  • ds_tree_is_last_child(index)
  • ds_tree_print(tree)
  • ds_tree_to_array(tree)
  • ds_tree_to_string(tree)
  • ds_tree_print_values(node, level)
  • ds_tree_to_DOT(tree, [colored])
  • ds_tree_print_DOT(tree, [colored])

Reference counter for data structures

  • rc_initialize()
  • rc_flush()
  • rc_list_create()
  • rc_list_destroy(map)
  • rc_list_size()
  • rc_map_create()
  • rc_map_destroy(map)
  • rc_map_size()
  • rc_print_state()

End User Licence Agreement (EULA)

Age Rating: 4+


GMS1 - Version 1.0.0. Published September 2, 2017

GMS2 - Version 1.0.0. Published September 2, 2017

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