
AES For Gamemaker


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Please note that there is a major bug in the padding that makes this code non-compatible with AES. I would not recommend using this asset until it is fixed if you are concerned about security. You have been warned.

AES for gamemaker is a free, open source asset that anyone can use!

It is currently ~45% commented. If you have any enquiries, don't hesitate to send me an email.

Please leave a rating with information about how it helps you or if there is something missing, I would greatly appreciate it!

The next update will hopefully have more commented code and speed improvements.

This asset supports:

  • ECB and CBC mode support
  • 128, 192 and 256 mode support
  • Full hex, string and base64 interchangeable formatting
  • File encrypting/decrypting*
  • Initialization vectors
  • Data padding support

*Gamemaker studio is sandboxed, this will only encrypt/decrypt files in working_directory.

Since gamemaker wasn't designed to handle data super fast, any AES function will be incredibly slow. For example, 100 array values takes roughly 8 seconds to encrypt or decrypt. (Array, string and file times are all different).

The GM8 port has been discontinued.

All code is provided as is. You may alter any code and use it commercially. You must not claim it as your own, credit is required.

End User Licence Agreement (EULA)

Age Rating: 4+


GMS1 - Version 1.7.1. Published October 15, 2017

  • Changed all ds_grid values to array values (very slightly improved speed)
  • Spelling mistakes fixed
  • Array functionality
  • Array saving and loading to file
  • All data is now automatically padded, with 0% data loss (if used correctly)
  • All data has cbc support
  • Full hex, string and base64 interchangeable formatting
  • Read me file added with valuable tips
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