
eXtend HTML5

RBF Studio

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A collection of functions to extend the HTML5 capacities of GameMaker-Studio 1.x!

FUNCTIONS INCLUDED - EnableContextMenu() > enable right-click on html5 canvas - CustomLoader() > used to customize the loading screen - OpenImage() > take screenshot of canvas and open it on new tab - SaveImage() > take screenshot of canvas and invoke download of it - GetImageURL() > take screenshot of canvas and return data:url of it - GetImageData() > take screenshot of canvas and return base64 encoded image - InvokeDownload(url, filename) > start download of online files with custom filename - ChangeFullscreen() > (internal use only) change browser fullscreen mode - FullscreenStatus() > return 1 if fullscreen is enable and 0 if not - PrintWeb(url) > start printing the content of url parsed

OBJECTS INCLUDED - eh5_CenterWindow > center game canvas on the browser window - eh5_EnableRightClick > enable right click on game canvas - eh5_FullscreenButton > pre-built and customizable fullscreen toggle button - eh5_RescaleWindow > fit game on browser window (scaling it)

SCRIPTS INCLUDED - eh5_scaling > rescale game canvas on browser window - gmcallback_fullscreen > (internal use only) change browser fullscreen mode

SPRITES INCLUDED - sprFullscreenButton > the toggle fullscreen button icon

End User Licence Agreement (EULA)

Age Rating: 4+


GMS1 - Version 1.0.0. Published April 13, 2017

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