
Multiplayer Add-on for YoYoRPG


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Sales: 19

(NOTE: That Yoyo has removed their RPG engine from the marketplace, so you must have bought it before)

You are not alone

Demo (exe): https://drive.google.com/open?id=0BxE4k4xEiNO2eXNuZThmLUJfRVU

Commercial video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vzy4Veix35c

This is a add-on for yoyo RPG. This will add LAN multiplayer features to the yoyo RPG engine. WAN (Online) multiplayer is also possible with this add-on. Read more about online in the info link. Engine use UDP punch and UPnP to auto portforward. The asset now got a new online server (STUN) in nodeJS (check the included files>online_new). The asset now also have a relay server (TURN). The relay server can connect people behind evil NATs. But you need to host the server (check the included files>online_new).

You will need to own the YoYo RPG engine to make this work!!!

This extension can only be added to the marketplace version of the YoYo RPG engine. Follow the "Getting started guide" how to create the start project. In the start project you can then develop and add features to the game. Customise sprites, sounds, quests, shops... Add new rooms, enemies, player characters, items, weapons... Create a unique RPG multiplayer game. Just check the tutorial videos. I provide full support. If you dont know how to add what you want or need help. Just send me a message. Also works in GMS2 if you create the "getting started project" in GMS1.4 and import it to GMS2.

The tutorials will show you how to: Create own bush. Create berries that drop from own bush. Move stuff in inventory. Drop items on the ground. Equip armor. Un-equip. Durability on items. Farming. (Plow fields. Sowing seeds. See it grow. Harvest. Eat.)

More info is found here: http://theanykeysupport.blogspot.com/2016/12/yoyo-rgp-engine-multiplayer-add-on.html

Forum: https://forum.yoyogames.com/index.php?threads/multiplayer-add-on-for-yoyorpg.18701/#post-137389

More info

End User Licence Agreement (EULA)

Age Rating: 4+


GMS1 - Version 1.3.4. Published March 21, 2018

Update Guide: https://youtu.be/mhhMcVHxWWs Fixed connection bug. Performance optimisation.

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