
Android Permissions

Roadhammer Gaming

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Important for new version 3.0! Your project must have a minimum sdk of 11 or higher, which can be set in the global game settings of your project.

Welcome to Android Permissions!! Android operating systems 6.0 and higher now check for permissions at run time, and it is now up to us the developers to handle this. I have made this extension to do that. there are 25 permissions Android lists as 'Dangerous Permissions' and so there are 25 get permission functions in this extension and 25 check permission functions for a total of 50 functions to cover everything. Update 10/26/17 now Google play requires any games or apps submitted to the play store show a reason for requesting dangerous permissions that access personal information, so there is now an extra function for that and it also alows several permissions to be asked for at once. I have left all the old functions there also in the case that you don't want (or need) to give a reason. I also left the previous version of the extension on the market place in case you want to roll back to it, the reason for that is to get the dialog box to work your project must have a minimum sdk of 11 or higher, the previous version allows sdk version 9 and higher. So the new function is: ShowReasoning( String "PERMISSION_NAME1 PERMISSION_NAME2 etc.. but must be all capital letters" ,String "The reason"); A dialog box will come up with the list of permissions and the reason you need them, then seperate dialog boxes will be shown to confirm or deny the permissions. This would be an example of how to ask for permission AND show a reason OR ask for multiple permissions at once:

global.permissions=0; if (ChkWriteExtStor()==0 || ChkAudio()==0) //If the permission has not been granted { ShowReasoning("WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE RECORD_AUDIO", "To use this app."); } else { global.permissions=1;//If the game has been run before and we got the permission execute related code } Most apps only need 1 or 2 dangerous permissions so you'd most likely only need to use 2 - 4 of the functions but to cover every situation I have included ALL OF THEM for you along with a small project showing how to use the extension. For a list of all the functions and their use import all the files into a new project and view either the game information file, readme file in the included files, or visit the Android Permissions home page on my website: http://roadhammergaming.blogspot.com/p/android-permissions.html A demo apk can be downloaded here: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B4uEFC9Ii8BnMXNQRmxZbFVSVjg

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Age Rating: 4+


GMS1 - Version 3.2.0. Published November 3, 2017

1- Fixed possible exiting game automatically if permission is denied 2- Fixed issue with message text on ShowReasoning getting cut off in dialog box if long message is displayed Note: This extension is compatible with GMS2, the example project is not, but can be imported to GMS2 if desired.

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