
Upload & Download any File


You must be logged in to obtain assets


This extension enables you to do three things:

Upload any file to any server/website

  •   To upload files to a server you must first upload a PHP file included in the extension to your server.  The PHP file is what gives you access to that server/website.
  •   Select a file to upload and receive a notification on the success of the upload

Send any file to another game/client

  •   Select a file you want to send to another game
  •   The other game/client/server will then be asked to select a save location
  •   This is especially useful if you are creating a chat room and want to transfer more that just text between them 

Download any file from the internet

  •   Type in the URL to the file you want to download
  •   View the download progress displayed in the debugging output
  •   Choose a destination and name for the file

This extension is heavily commented, easy to read, and works on all platforms except for HTML5. I hope you find it useful!

End User Licence Agreement (EULA)

Age Rating: 4+


GMS1 - Version 1.0.0. Published November 4, 2016

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