
HappyTear Text-Dialogue Engine


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The HappyTear Text Engine is a powerful and fully customizable dialogue engine for RPGs, platformer and pretty much every kind of game.

Note: It does currently not work on HTML5. It should work on all other platforms and was tested on Linux, Windows and Android.


  • Colors! Background images! Fonts! Bold! Italic! - Design your textboxes just as you like!
  • Typewritter Effect
  • Textbubble that follow objects - Small little bubbles over or under instances that just look cute... and cool!
  • Player locking - The player can either run around while the text progresses or you can just lock him
  • Wait for player input or time - Either wait for a button to press or just some seconds until the next
  • Multiplayer support - experimental
  • Textbubble collision detection - Doesn't that sound cool?
  • Sprites that indicate text progression - When you want the player to press a button you can indicate that with your own sprites!
  • Extendible! Plugin support! - Add own commands, variables, themes... without breaking future updates! Possible via an awesome plugin system
  • Incredible documentation - Seriously, it took me days to write it
  • Infinite amount of textboxes open at the same time!*
  • Command system - The whole engine works via an easy to use command and variable system
  • ..and so much more


  • Support for Colored Draw Text Custom by Hule Studios - Allows drawing sprites, rotated text and more by using a markup instead of commands
  • Questions/Answers - A system that allows for player interaction. Will support shop functionality for RPGs.

\ * Infinite=As much as a ds_map can take in Game Maker, which is a lot!

End User Licence Agreement (EULA)

Age Rating: 4+


GMS1 - Version 0.9.6. Published October 28, 2014

Fixed ANOTHER a bug that was created due to an oversight and change in GM 1.4.1451

Related bug fix in GM 1.4.1451

  • DS maps correctly return that they are undefined if they are undefined, rather than just returning 0
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