
Swipe Levels

Ever martinez

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Swipe Levels es el mas completo asset para lo que tu buscar te ahorras horas de trabajo, No esperes mas :) Nadie va a poder modificar su archivo para desbloquear todos sus niveles con el CIFRADO jamas pasara. :) Que incluye este asset . *Cuando se pasa el nivel salva en un INI.Files *Agregar mas niveles es simple :) *Lo mas relevante esta comentado *Muestra el nivel del room en pantalla Nota:los sprite tienen derecho de autor por favor remplazar.

Levels Swipe is the most comprehensive asset to what your search you save hours of work, Do not wait more :) Nobody will be able to modify your file to unlock all levels with the ENCRYPTION never happen. :)

Including this asset. * When the level is passed saves in a INI.Files * Add more levels is simple :) * The most important is commented *show room name on screen Note: sprite have copyright please replace.

Demo avilable APK :http://bit.ly/1RTOwFt windows:

Or you can try full game :) https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.TictacLabs.mousescape windows:http://bit.ly/28bAXNp

Please comment if it was useful my asset. :)

End User Licence Agreement (EULA)

Age Rating: 4+


GMS1 - Version 1.0.0. Published June 4, 2016

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