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With this extension you can create a point of collision against a rotated rectangle or triangle and even draw a triangle or rectangle with a picture angle.

Functions including:

draw_rectangle ext() // Draw a rectangle that can be assigned an angle and an axis of rotation.

draw_triangle_ext() // Draw a triangle that can be assigned an angle and an axis of rotation.

point_in_rectangle_ext() // Checks for a collision cordenadas of a point in a rectangle with an angle about an axis of rotation.

point_in_triangle_ext() // Checks cordenadas a collision in a point in a triangle with an angle about an axis of rotation.

point_rotate() // Rotate a cordenadas for a given axis and returns all become _xx and _yy angle.

End User Licence Agreement (EULA)

Age Rating: 4+


GMS1 - Version 1.0.0. Published July 22, 2014

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