
Easy Text_User Input

Synthetic Pixel Games

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This asset shows you how to create text input from the user for things like highscore tables or naming characters.

First part Asset shows you how to name a character with a naming interface like those found in Final Fantasy or Chrono Trigger.

The second part of this asset shows you how to receive text input directly from the keyboard for entering initials for things like highscore input.

Controls: for controller input move around with d-pad. A selects a character. B erases a character. Right bumper makes characters upper or lower. keyboard you move around with arrows and enter selects backspace deletes and shift makes characters upper or lower.

Recommended GML level INTERMEDIATE

Note Big Boo sprite not included.

Roid Runner! 2


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End User Licence Agreement (EULA)

Age Rating: 4+


GMS1 - Version 1.1.0. Published April 18, 2016

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