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Draw text justify


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GMS1.x ATTENTION! Load "constants.txt" to Macros (Resources -> Define Macros -> Load)

Starting v1.1 was addeded colors support. Use BBCode-like tags for it:

[c=FFFFFF] - set color (hexadecimal, RRGGBB)

Keep in mind that any tag interpreted as words sepearator.

If you want place "[" as char instead of tag, just double it: "[[". Example:

[c=ff0000] - tag [[c=ff0000] - text

justify_draw_text(text, left, right, top, font, [first_line_indent, space_width, space_height, [space_paragraph]])

use -1 in [first_line_indent, space_width, space_height] for default values

Returns: height in pixels


justify_draw_text(text, 100, room_width - 100, 0, myfont);
justify_draw_text(text, 100, room_width - 100, 0, myfont, 80, 8, -1);
justify_draw_text(text, 100, room_width - 100, 0, myfont, -1, 8, -1);
justify_draw_text(text, 100, room_width - 100, 0, myfont, -1, -1, -1, 0);

End User Licence Agreement (EULA)

Age Rating: 4+


GMS2 - Version 1.1.1. Published October 24, 2017

Fixed a bug (in some cases last line might be missed)

GMS1 - Version 1.1.1. Published October 24, 2017

Fixed a bug (in some cases last line might be missed)

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