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Grids is a GML script library for Game Maker that allows you to rapidly implement games built on various types of grids.

  • Supports hex grids (pointy and flat), rect grids, and diamond grids
  • Supports grids in different shapes.
  • Supports contents of any data type.
  • Supports fast lookup of points (whether a point is inside a grid or not).
  • Supports access through integer vectors.
  • Vectors support addition, subtraction, scaling, matrix multiplication, and dot product.
  • Supports iterators for grids - easily loop through all the points in a grid.
  • Support easy mapping to screen coordinates (with functions to translate and scale the grid, and align the grid to the edges, corners or center of a rectangle).
  • Support grid colorings.
  • Supports A* path finding.
  • We provide clean code.
  • We provide excellent support.

Examples included:

  • Simple pointy hex grid setup.
  • Simple flat hex setup.
  • Path finding (one with a simple grid, another with two grids for visual display).
  • Lights-Out Game.
  • Lines Game.

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End User Licence Agreement (EULA)

Age Rating: 4+


GMS1 - Version 1.2.3. Published September 27, 2014

  • Fixed a bug with rect and diamond coordinate conversions with the generic functions.
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