
Google Plus Sign in and Sync

Manny Doe

You must be logged in to obtain assets


An Android * Extension that allows your app or game to make use of the Google Plus sign in and Drive sinc, so you can effortless sync settings or general data through alll of your user devices. This also allows data to be maintaned on the user's Drive folder, so even if they uninstall or lose all data from a device it will still be available for them to sync.

Perfect to sync savegame files across multiple devices!

The extension is only available for Android and I do not have any plans to make it available on other platforms at the time. *

Example Apk

GameMaker Community post

(where I explain how to set up the extension)

End User Licence Agreement (EULA)

Required Modules

Android Export

Age Rating: 12+


GMS1 - Version 1.0.1. Published January 5, 2016

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