
Networking with Space


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The creation of multi-game or online game is confusing. But, this is very simple & useful. It is based on GameMaker: Studio Networking's function. So, it is can be run any OS. If you want examples file, please see 'More info' page.

Key Features:

  • Player ID
  • Space
  • Easy message transmission
  • Packet protection
  • Optimization

Preparing The Help Files

  • Example : 3 / 3
  • Manual : 0 / 3


  • New BSD License ( http://goo.gl/9RH82U )

More info

End User Licence Agreement (EULA)

Age Rating: 4+


GMS1 - Version 1.3.81. Published March 7, 2016

  • ns_get_initial_max_clients() script has been added.
  • Now, after calling the ime_message_receive () script, can be get 'IME handle' via useing the NsMsgRecvHandle.
  • NsRecvBufferSize macro has been deleted.
  • NsMsgSentIP, NsMsgSentPort macros has been fixed a bug in the server.
  • TypeServerWasAttacked type has been added for security processing.
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