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Simple Maze Generator


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This is maze generation script, it using algorithm called as Recursive backtracker.

It's very simple to use: put somewhere in create event, initializing function and you done :)

maze_ds_grid = huder_mazeGen(width,height,noBorder,leftEntrance,rightEntrance,topEntrance,bottomEntrance,spaceMin,spaceMax, spaceSize, symmetryMode);

Possible settings:

  • You can set size of maze width and height separately.
  • You can determine whether your maze will have open borders or not.
  • You can determine which maze's edge will have entrance.
  • You can set amount of random holes that will be digged (spaceMin, spaceMax) and its size (spaceSize)
  • You can set whether maze is symmetric on x, y or both axis.

Pack contains example of generating maze and re-generating, drawing maze and how to get position of entrances (if they exist)


  • width -- Width of the maze expressed in tiles number not pixels
  • height -- Height of the maze expressed in tiles number not pixels
  • noBorder -- Whether maze will not have borders
  • leftEntrance, rightEntrance, topEntrance, bottomEntrance* -- Set which maze's edge will have entrance
  • spaceMin,spaceMax -- The amount of random holes placed within maze
  • spaceSize -- Size of digged random holes
  • symmetryMode -- 0 means no symmetry, 1 means x symmetry, 2 means y symmetry, 3 means xy symmetry

Returns: Return index of created (ds_grid) data structure that will contain integers representing generated maze (0 - floor or 1 - wall).
Also this script will create 2 arrays mazeEntranceX[], mazeEntranceY[] these arrays can be used to check position of each entrance. If value is equal to -1 that means there is no entrance. use 0 for left, 1 for right, 2 for top, 3 for bottom entrance within array [] brackets.

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Age Rating: 4+


GMS1 - Version 1.0.2. Published March 18, 2017

  • New argument added "spaceSize" size of empty holes that are placed randomly

GMS2 - Version 1.0.2. Published March 18, 2017

  • Function name changed to huder_mazeGen()
  • New argument added "spaceSize" size of empty holes that are placed randomly
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