
FPS Engine-3D

Pixel Programmer

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Have you ever wanted to make a 3D game in game maker? If so 3D FPS Engine is a great starter tool for people new to game maker exploring the 3D world. Using the simplistic room creator you can easily add what ever you want in your 3D world and have a great fun action packed FPS. Here is a full list for all the features(note texture are not included beside very basic necessary textures):

  • barrels
  • explosive(can be shot but no explosion animation)
  • floor
  • roof
  • walls (different lengths)
  • shooting mechanic
  • crates
  • movable player(can crouch jump and walk with w, a, s, and d)
  • (note: textures for models must be a background and set to be used for 3D)

End User Licence Agreement (EULA)

Age Rating: 9+


GMS1 - Version 1.0.0. Published July 9, 2015

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