

Crystal Fortress

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Clocks is the definitive package for displaying analogue clocks in your game. Not only is it simple to set-up but its also very simple to customize. Its time to take the plunge and update your clocks.

All clocks created using Clocks display the users current system time in their local timezone unless otherwise told. The hands move slowly using the position of the smaller unit of time to interpolate the position between integer values, that is the hour hand will be half way between 5 and 6 and 5.30.

Support is included for displaying the numbers as items other than the numbers 1-12. The default behaviour for this is to display roman numerals but can be used to display any string or to omit entries on some numbers.

There are a plethora of customization options provided but a rudimentary knowledge of GML will be required to implement any additional customization, if you have an idea for an additional option please get in touch and we can see about adding it.

Current customization options include :

  • Customizing the outline. [Colour , Thickness]
  • Customizing the which hands to display
  • Customize the appearance of each hand.[Length , Colour , Thickness]
  • Customize the numbers on the clock
  • Customize the size of the clock
  • Customize the central "cover node"
  • Customize the colour and alpha of the clock

So why not clock on and get started.

End User Licence Agreement (EULA)

Age Rating: 4+


GMS1 - Version 1.0.1. Published June 29, 2015

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