
TMC Transition

The Mojo Collective

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TMC Transition

GMS2, see Note at bottom

Room Transition System like in GM 6,7,8

Room Transition system similar in use to the old style transition system using in Game Maker 6, 7 and 8

The system is an engine that copies the room image you are at, and the room image you are going to and applies a transition between the two so your game looks awesome while changing rooms.





  1. Two (Too) simple basic functions!!!
  2. Room Goto Function which you tell what transition to use
  3. Is Doing Transition? function so you know the effect is active
  4. over 50 transitions available
  5. Video Wipe Images support so you can grab any wipe transition image off the web and have a million effect without coding
  6. Allows you to write your own transitions
  7. System works independently from your game,
  8. Code included so if you have any conflict, you can tweak the code
  9. You control the transition with code so you can do anything you want for transitions

Demo Included with API

GMS2 note: For 3D effect transition you will need to add a few lines to the transition function on or about lines 28 and 82

if(argument0 ==1) //lets handle this first since this mode is call often
    //remember camera
    var viewmat = camera_get_view_mat(camera_get_active());
    var projmat = camera_get_proj_mat(camera_get_active());
    //original code here that will do 3d things and mess the camera
    //restore camera
    camera_set_view_mat(camera_get_active(), viewmat);
    camera_set_proj_mat(camera_get_active(), projmat);
    return 0;
else if(argument0 == 2) //free


More info

End User Licence Agreement (EULA)

Age Rating: 4+


GMS1 - Version 1.1.1. Published August 10, 2016

Adds new wipe transitions, fade wipe, smooth edge wipe and page burning wipe similar to AVS Video Editor Adds simple page turning transitions.

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