
Optimized Decals


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Optimized Decals allows you to display thousands of sprites In the room if not hundreds of thousands. [Updates]

  • added argument to control initial alpha values of individual decals.

  • added an option for fading decals

  • added trails

  • added option for fading trails

  • reduced memory usage

This system allows for the decals to be placed anywhere in a room of any size. as it does not utilise surfaces, making it very memory efficient!

whether it is Bullet holes, Blood splatters, or even craters you want to have on your screen, Optimized Decals will allow you to easily create and display your decals with ease.


  • Limitless room size (within f32 numbers)
  • Creation of Decals group with Automatic texturemap creation
  • one-line placement of decals
  • set dimensions, and rotation of decals
  • Automatic and custom drawing of decals

Code Example Create Event

decal_group = OptimizedDecals_create_group(sprite);

Create Decal

OptimizedDecals_add_decal(decal_group, 0, mouse_x, mouse_y, 64, 64, random(2 * pi));

End User Licence Agreement (EULA)

Age Rating: 4+


GMS1 - Version 1.1.70. Published June 4, 2018

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