
Mopub Native Ad


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With this extension you can take advantage of having native ads in your application! Native ads can help improve fill rate, click rate and revenue because it doesn't bother the user with popups or annoying banners! I am in no way affiliated with Mopub

GMC http://gmc.yoyogames.com/index.php?showtopic=653200

100% Fill Rate This is because if you set the attempts to -1, it will request an ad till one is successfully retrieved!

Make Ad Request

ad = mopub_native_load_ad("YOUR_AD_ID_HERE");   //load ad with ID
mopub_native_set_attempts(ad,-1);   //unlimited ad attempts ensures an ad will load
mopub_native_debug(false);   //Disables debug mode (use when you are finished developing)

Get Ad Information

title = mopub_native_get_title(ad);   //get title
ctaText = mopub_native_get_ctaText(ad);  // get button text
content = mopub_native_get_content(ad);  // get description
icon = mopub_native_get_icon(ad);  // get icon background
image = mopub_native_get_image(ad);   // get image background

Check Ad

loaded = mopub_native_is_loaded(ad);  // get if ad is done loading

Interact With Ad

mopub_native_click(ad);  // click the ad

End User Licence Agreement (EULA)

Age Rating: 4+


GMS1 - Version 1.0.1. Published January 31, 2015

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