
SpeakEasy Lipsync Runtime

ShroomDoom Studios

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SpeakEasy: Lipsync made easy.

SpeakEasy by ShroomDoom Studios is a GameMaker runtime designed to play back keyframe data exported from the lipsynching program Papagayo.

Import .dat files from Papagayo as included files into your GameMaker project. Parse them and then play back their keyframe data in-game using SpeakEasy.

SpeakEasy is ideal for animating character mouth shapes during in-game dialogue and cutscenes.

Download the SpeakEasy demo (Windows only) here: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/103042952/speakeasy/speakeasy_demo.zip

Papagayo is a GPL-licensed open source lipsynching program originally designed to work with the animation package Anime Studio. It can be used to more quickly and easily keyframe out cartoon character mouth animation.

Download Papagayo for free from Lost Marble: http://www.lostmarble.com/papagayo/

Included with the SpeakEasy runtime are two example projects, one basic playback demo and another slightly more complicated NPC dialogue exchange that implements Spine animation skeletons.

SpeakEasy has been tested on PC and Windows Phone. It currently doesn't run in web browsers because GameMaker's support for parsing external files in HTML5 is broken. A fix is on the way.

Read the full documentation for SpeakEasy (including attributions) here: https://rcoppy.github.io/webdev-old-dropbox/speakeasy/help.pdf

End User Licence Agreement (EULA)

Age Rating: 4+


GMS1 - Version 1.0.0. Published December 21, 2014

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