GameMaker (2.3)

Rogue Adventure World


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Rogue Adventure is a pixel art asset pack that is inspired by games such as Dark Souls and Diablo, with dark themes and colors. Rogue Adventure features multiple asset packs with different themes that makes possible to create complete games and worlds.

Rogue Adventure tilesets:

  • Over 15.000 tiles!
  • Over 3.000 animated tiles!
  • Usable on any game engine! (Unity, Godot, GameMaker, RPG Maker...)
  • Ancient Ruins!
  • Atlantis!
  • Beast Interior!
  • Cavern!
  • Crypt!
  • Graveyard!
  • Hell!
  • Interior!
  • Jungle!
  • Pyramid!
  • Ruins!
  • Ship!
  • Temple!
  • Village!
  • Wasteland!

Rogue Adventure Characters:

  • 30 different Heroes!
  • 6 Frames Idle Animation!
  • 6 Frames Walk Animation!
  • 6 Frames Sword Attack Animation!
  • 6 Frames Sword Stab Animation!
  • 6 Frames Bow Attack Animation!
  • 6 Frames Staff Attack Animation!
  • 6 Frames Fall Animation!
  • 6 Frames Jump Animation!
  • 4 Frames Pull Boxes Animation!
  • 4 Frames Push Boxes Animation!
  • 6 Frames Damaged Animation!
  • 6 Frames Dead Animation!

Rogue Adventure Enemies:

  • 48 different monsters!
  • 6 Frames Idle Animation!
  • 6 Frames Walk Animation!
  • 6 Frames Attack Animation!
  • 6 Frames Damage Animation!
  • 6 Frames Dead Animation!

Rogue Adventure Bosses:

  • Ancient Bear with 8 Animations! (6 Frames Each)
  • ChompBug with 6 Animations! (6 Frames Each)
  • Osiris with 7 Animations! (6 Frames Each)
  • Minotaur with 6 Animations! (6 Frames Each)
  • Molarbeast with 7 Animations! (6 Frames Each)
  • Toxic Vermin with 6 Animations! (6 Frames Each)
  • Titan Guard with 9 Animations!(6 Frames Each)

Rogue Adventure UI:

  • Over 1.000 Item Icons!
  • 128 Swords/Blades!
  • 64 Staffs!
  • 64 Axes!
  • 64 Bows!
  • 64 Spears!
  • Amors!
  • Helms!
  • Boots!
  • Gloves!
  • Belts!
  • Misc Items!

End User Licence Agreement (EULA).

Age Rating: 4+


GMS2.3 - Version 2.7.0. Published May 19, 2024

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