GameMaker (2.3)

Witch Character Pack


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A sprite pack of a playable Witch character intended for use with a 16-bit. Megadrive/Genesis/SNES-inspired aesthetic.

  • idle animation, 4 frames, loops
  • running animation, 8 frames, loops
  • jumping animation, 4 frames, loops
  • falling animation, 4 frames, loops
  • jump to fall transition animation, 5 frames, doesn't loop
  • ladder climb animation, 8 frames, loops
  • ladder slide animation, 4 frames, loops
  • ladder top animation, 13 frames, doesn't loop
  • hit(standing) animation, 3 frames, doesn't loop
  • hit(thrown/air) animation, 3 frames, doesn't loop
  • toss item animation, 6 frames, doesn't loop
  • use item animation, 5 frames, doesn't loop.
  • crouch animation. 7 frames, doesn't loop.
  • stand up animation, 7 frames, doesn't loop
  • crouching cast animation, 8 frames, doesn't loop
  • crawl animation, 6 frames, loops
  • self cast animation, 12 frames, doesn't loop
  • general shot/cast, 8 frames, doesn't loop
  • bat; transform into, 14 frames, doesn't loop
  • bat; transform from, 10 frames, doesn't loop
  • bat; idle, 7 frames, loops
  • win, 16 frames, doesn't loop

earth spell animations

  • ground variant, 9 frames, doesn't loop
  • in air variant : start up, 6 frames, doesn't loop
  • in-air variant : land, 5 frames, doesn't loop
  • in-air variant : fall, 4 frames, loops
  • in-air variant : land, 5 frames, doesn't loop
  • spell effect animation, 13 frames, doesn't loop

lightning spell animations

  • ground variant, 9 frames, doesn't loop
  • in-air variant, 9 frames, doesn't loop
  • ground hit effect, 10 frames, doesn't loop
  • spell effect animation, 6 frames, loops

fire spell animations

  • ground variant, 7 frames, doesn't loop
  • in-air variant, 8 frames, doesn't loop
  • spell effect animation : straight, 9 frames, loops
  • spell effect animation : diagonal, 9 frames, loops

ice spell animations

  • ground variant, 8 frames, doesn't loop
  • in-air variant, 8 frames, doesn't loop
  • ice spawn effect, 10 frames, doesn't loop
  • icicle image, 1 frame, static image

special attack animation

  • special start, 16 frames, doesn't loop (leads into next)
  • special loop, 4 frames, loops
  • spell circle effect, 14 frames, doesn't loop
  • spell glyph effect, 5 frames, loops
  • spell projectile effect, 9 frames, loops
  • spell projectile trail, 9 frames, loops

End User Licence Agreement (EULA)

Age Rating: 9+


GMS2.3 - Version 1.0.0. Published September 21, 2021

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